Pay Rules for APEC Holidays on November 18 and November 19, 2015
Malacañang declared a special non-working holiday for workers in the private sector in the National Capital Region on November 18 and 19, 2015. In the meantime, classes were cancelled from Nov. 17 to 20. This is to ease traffic for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders Summit.
LABOR Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz instructed employers in Metro Manila to abide by the pay rules during these two special non-working holidays.
Since these are considered Special Non-working Holidays, the “no work, no pay” rule will be in effect on those days, unless there is a company policy granting payment on a special day. For those that worked, they will get an additional thirty (30) percent of their daily rate for the first eight hours, while an additional 30 percent of the holiday pay rate will be applied for work beyond eight hours.
If it also happens to be the employee’s rest-day, the employee will get an additional fifty (50) percent of the daily rate for the first eight (8) hours, while an additional thirty (30) percent of the holiday-rest-day rate will be applied for work beyond eight hours.
Here are the pay rules:
Special Holidays
- Employee did not work on the special holiday
- The no work no pay rule applies unless the company has a favorable policy granting payment on Special Holidays. This may still be subject to the Holiday Pay Eligibility Rule.
- Employee worked for 8 hours or less during the special holiday
- Employee will be paid his equivalent (hourly wage x # of hours worked x 130%) + COLA
- Employee worked for more than 8 hours during the special holiday
- For the excess hours, multiply the hourly wage x # of excess hours x 130% x 130%.
Special Holidays that are also Restdays
- Employee worked for 8 hours or less during the special holiday that also falls on a restday
- Employee will be paid his equivalent (hourly wage x # of hours worked x 150%) + COLA
- Employee worked for more than 8 hours during the special holiday that also falls on a restday
- For the excess hours, multiply the hourly wate x # of excess hours worked x 150% x 130%.